Many translated example sentences containing "Brutto netto" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations.
Nette synonyms, Nette pronunciation, Nette translation, English dictionary definition of Nette. netto ~ meaning » DictZone German-English dictionary. net
Gross income includes (almost) all of your income, while net income Søgning på “netto” i Den Danske Ordbog. Find betydning, stavning, synonymer og meget mere i moderne dansk. Look up the Polish to English translation of netto in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free aktywa operacyjne netto pl ECON.
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Net Income. Income statements begin with the total amount of money coming into a company and are reflected in gross and net revenue at the top of the statement. You’ll find net income ("what’s left over after all expenses are deducted") at the bottom of the income statement. Het netto economisch belang wordt gemeten bij het initiëren en wordt doorlopend in stand gehouden.
Net can be used as a noun, verb, and adjective with multiple meanings (it casts a wide “net,” if you will) EXCEPTIONAL PROJECTS · GRAPHIC DESIGN · INTERIOR DESIGN · SINCE 1998 · Customers · Worldmap · Contact. ©2018 NETTO DESIGN HOUSE. Aug 8, 2020 For employees, the net pay definition is the earnings after all deductions are taken out.
Minimised short-term external financing: Your available liquidity is fully accessible meaning you can improve net interest and reduce the need for external
2021-03-23 What does netto mean in Dutch? netto.
Gross versus Net comparison chart; Gross Net; Meaning: The term gross refers to the total amount made as a result of some activity. It can refer to things such as total profit or total sales. Net (or Nett) refers to the amount left over after all deductions are made. Once the net value is attained, nothing further is subtracted.
German tax law distinguishes between the 18 Apr 2018 It is important to know what brutto and netto salary mean.
159 661 Mean. 2009–2019. 9 397. 9 069. 338. 326. 11 013.
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2008-05-07 net•to adv. (Comm) net. ich verdiene netto £ 1500 or £ 1500 netto im Monat I earn £1500 net a month, I net £1500 a month. Translation German - English Collins Dictionary. See … Net profit (aka top line, net income, or net earnings) is a measure of the profitability of a venture after accounting for all costs.
Net debt shows much debt a company has on its balance sheet compared to
netto {adjective} (Skratt) RB: Netto, hoppas jag! ~~~ (Skratt) . expand_more (Laughter) RB: Well, I hope it's net actually, having -- (Laughter) -- I've got it right.
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av A Molin · 2010 · Citerat av 11 — Konsekvenser av avräkningsperiodens längd vid nettodebitering av solel For single-family houses, this means that without net billing it is
something made of net: such as. a device for catching fish, birds, or insects. a fabric barricade (see 2barricade 1a) which divides a court in half (as in tennis or volleyball) and over which a ball or shuttlecock must be hit to be in play. the fabric netto (also: net, netwerk, vangnet, val, list, netje) Net price is the value at which a product or service is sold after all taxes and other costs are added and all discounts subtracted.
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Net profit (aka top line, net income, or net earnings) is a measure of the profitability of a venture after accounting for all costs. It is the actual profit, and includes the operating expenses that are excluded from gross profit. Gross vs Net Margin. Gross margin = Gross income as a percentage of revenue.
It is measured by deducting commercial space vacated by tenants and made available on the commercial space market from total space leased up. 2021-03-23 Learn netto wins in English translation and other related translations from Afrikaans to English. Discover netto wins meaning and improve your English skills! Netto(net) salary is the result of initial pay including tax and other sorts of deductions made. These deductions depend on local/national legislation where employees are required to pay certain amounts of tax to the government. Brutto och Netto är något som man stöter på ofta i ekonomisammanhang. Nedan kommer jag gå igenom Netto och Brutto var för sig.