Joined B2Holding in 2013. Held the position of Chief Group Controller until January 2017, before becoming CFO. CEO of the Group since August 2019. Mr. Johnsen has held various positions in Orkla Finans and Elkem before operating Erling Johnsen AS from 1992 - 2000. He later acted as CFO in Northstar Ind. Inc. and Marine Subsea.


B2Holding (B2) is a Norwegian NPL buyer/collector niched towards the European market, May 20, 2019 8:00 AM ETB2Holding ASA (BTOHF)9 Comments4 Likes In other news, Arctic Securities recently cut their target price to 16 NOK:.

By transferring the claims of your debtors to B2 Kapital you ensure swift collection, liquidity, no additional debt and positive and affirmative effect on your balance. News… View the latest share news for B2HOLDING ASA and OSL:B2H RNS announcements, along with all the share chat by members of the Stockopedia community B2Holding will release a corporate update including key figures before the opening of trading on 4 May 2021. For further information, please contact: Rasmus Hansson Head of M&A and Investor Relations, B2Holding ASA Mobile: +47 952 55 842 E-mail: This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in the Continuing obligations. Disclaimer: All information in our web site is provided for general information purposes only. We have taken care to ensure the accuracy of the information, however, we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on information contained on the web site. B2Holding is our new customer.

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2021-04-19 · Stock analysis for B2Holding ASA (B2H:Oslo) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. B2HOLDING ASA : News, information and stories for B2HOLDING ASA | Oslo Bors: B2H | Oslo Bors B2Holding ASA has appointed André Adolfsen as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective from November 1st at the latest. Following the appointment of Erik Just Johnsen as permanent CEO, the Company View the latest share news for B2HOLDING ASA and OSL:B2H RNS announcements, along with all the share chat by members of the Stockopedia community B2Holding ASA has chosen Treasury Systems to be their TMS provider. They will be our first Norwegian customer running our next generation TMS platform to support daily treasury and risk operations. We are very happy to welcome B2Holding as our sixth customer running Treasury Systems and look forward to help them raise operational efficiency in all areas of treasury. B2Holding purchase and service portfolios of non-performing loans from clients such as banks and other financial institutions.

B2Holding has today signed and closed an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Negociation et Achat de Creances Contentieuses (NACC).

B2Holding ASA is a Nordic based debt solutions provider with platforms in over 20 European countries. Read more. Debt purchase. By transferring the claims of your debtors to B2 Kapital you ensure swift collection, liquidity, no additional debt and positive and affirmative effect on your balance. News…

B2Holding ASA Market Cap as of today (April 26, 2021) is NOK3,626 Mil. In depth view into OSL:B2H Market Cap explanation, calculation, historical data and   B2Holding is a leading Pan-European debt specialist that provides debt solutions for banks and institutional vendors. Our vendors and business partners can  Latest News.

B2holding news

2021-04-12 · SOFIA (Bulgaria), April 12 (SeeNews) - Bulgaria's Debt Collection Agency (DCA), a unit of Norway’s B2Holding, said on Monday that Yulia Yurgakieva will be the company's new chief executive officer (CEO), replacing Dimitar Bonchev as of May 1.

2020-02-10 B2Holding ASA is a Nordic based debt solutions provider with platforms in over 20 European countries. Read more. Debt purchase. By transferring the claims of your debtors to B2 Kapital you ensure swift collection, liquidity, no additional debt and positive and affirmative effect on your balance. News… View the latest share news for B2HOLDING ASA and OSL:B2H RNS announcements, along with all the share chat by members of the Stockopedia community B2Holding will release a corporate update including key figures before the opening of trading on 4 May 2021. For further information, please contact: Rasmus Hansson Head of M&A and Investor Relations, B2Holding ASA Mobile: +47 952 55 842 E-mail: This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in the Continuing obligations. Disclaimer: All information in our web site is provided for general information purposes only.

Efter ett svagt Q4-resultat från B2Holding förra veckan sänker vi våra sade Keith Lerner, investeringschef vid Sun Trust, till Bloomberg News. Nordea har tecknat avtal med det norska företaget B2Holding om att sälja en Detta tros vara som resultat efter en artikel Bloomberg News publicerat om  företaget B2Holding om att sälja en portfölj med oreglerade lån. Pidämme perusoikeuksista vastaavan komission jäsenen salkun perustamista tärkeänä  Preliminary result after expiry of application period for Share Issue in Interoil Exploration and Production ASA. 2021-04-23 08:57 · GlobeNewswire  Det framgår av en analys som Bloomberg News tagit del av. Aker Solutions, Attendo, Axactor, B2 Holding, Benchmark Holdings, Bergenbio,  AXACTOR.
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2021-04-05 B2Holding AS will be reporting earnings from the most recent quarter on February 28.

Start a 14-day free trial to  15 Mar 2018 B2Holding has yesterday signed and closed an agreement regarding the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Negociation et Achat de  Career. B2Kapital Zrt. is a part of the Norwegian B2Holding Group and recognized partner for many banks and financial institutions in Hungary and the region  B2 HOLDING AS NK-,1 share price in real-time (A2ALPJ / NO0010633951), charts and analyses, news, key data, turnovers, company data.
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Disclaimer: All information in our web site is provided for general information purposes only. We have taken care to ensure the accuracy of the information, however, we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on information contained on the web site.

We have taken care to ensure the accuracy of the information, however, we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on information contained on the web site. B2Holding ASA is a Nordic based debt solutions provider with platforms in over 20 European countries. Read more.

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View the latest share news for B2HOLDING ASA and STO:B2Ho RNS announcements, along with all the share chat by members of the Stockopedia community

Nachrichten zur Aktie B2Holding AS | A2ALPJ | NO0010633951 B2 Holding ASA is, a Norway-based company located in Oslo and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (Oslo Børs). B2Holding Group operates in 20 markets, in Scandinavian, Baltic, Central and South East European countries, providing banks and institutional vendors with specialized financial services, including management of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs). Reference is made to the stock exchange release by B2Holding ASA at 16:37 on 13 March regarding the potential acquisition of a new platform in Western Europe. B2Holding has today signed and closed an agreement for the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Negociation et Achat de Creances Contentieuses (NACC).