The Electrum Laboratory is part of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) which is certified according to the international ISO 14001 Environmental Standard.
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164 40 Kista We are the Chapter For Information- and Nanotechnology, one of the largest chapters of the Student Union at the Royal Institute of Technology. Our goal is to work on behalf of the students to represent our interests towards the school, to improve the studying environment and to arrange social events that help make life worth living! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators KTH - Forum 120 164 40 Kista Sweden office: +46 8 790 42 83 mobile: +46 737 65 20 65 The Electrum Laboratory is part of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) which is certified according to the international ISO 14001 Environmental Standard. In order to enter The Royal Institute of Technology´s (KTH) premises you need an access card. To get admittance and acces card, please contact someone qualified of your school/department/service center or your school´s office.
Våra medlemmar är civilingenjörs-, master-, kandidat- och högskoleingenjörsstuderande på någon av utbildningarna vid KTHs campus i Kista. KTH Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik i Kista bedriver utbildning och forskning inom informations- och kommunikationsteknik i dess vidaste mening.
IT-företagen i Kista - Verksamhet, nätverk, kompetens och platsens kvaliteter Report number: TRITA-NA-D0402, CID-253 ISSN number: ISSN 1403 - 0721 (print) 1403 - 073 X (Web/PDF) Publication date: CID, Stockholm, Maj 2004 E-mail of author: Reports can be ordered from: CID, Centre for User Oriented IT Design
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Below you will find information about how to apply for an access card, photography and loss report. KTH Campus central entry system and Card Office is administrated by Site Service’s department.
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