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The principall Priests which were apparelled with white surplesses hanging downe to the ground, bare the relikes of the puissant goddesse.. Goode men and wommen, o thyng warne I yow, If any wight be in this chirche now, That hath doon synne horrible, that he Dar nat for shame of it yshryven be, Or any womman, be she yong or old, That hath ymaad hir housbonde Created by Harry Williams, Jack Williams. With Richard Dormer, Jodi Balfour, Kieran Bew, Lærke Winther. Told in reverse, the show follows DCI Gabriel Markham and his team as they try to hunt down a serial killer. ReLIKE.
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Middle English: ·relic (object of religious veneration)· (by extension) A valuable object or individual· (in translations) A remnant; a remainder. (rare) An effect; the
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Whilst many businesses are pretty experienced when it comes to using newsletters as part of their overall marketing strategy, for others the opposite is true. Obsolete form of relic. 1632, John Milton, "On Shakespear.
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relike 2 points 3 points 4 points 21 days ago I find that having signs of the same element work out wonderfully sometimes, but having same signs can go opposite ways. For example, Taurus's can vibe well with each other, but since both are stubborn they both won't budge upon important issues.
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Relike TV. 3,607 likes. www.relike.tv is the new Facebook TV featuring 25 000+ free TV Pages, and all the videos you've been sharing with your friends since you are on Facebook.
relike (Old French)Origin & history Latin rēliquia. Noun relike (fem.) (oblique plural relikes, nominative singular relike, nominative plural relikes). relic (ancient religious object, kept for veneration)
Usage examples of "relike". The principall Priests which were apparelled with white surplesses hanging downe to the ground, bare the relikes of the puissant goddesse.. Goode men and wommen, o thyng warne I yow, If any wight be in this chirche now, That hath doon synne horrible, that he Dar nat for shame of it yshryven be, Or any womman, be she yong or old, That hath ymaad hir housbonde
relike: A Middle English form of