Radio North Sea International (RNI; German: Radio Nordsee International; Dutch: Radio Noordzee Internationaal) was a European offshore radio station run by the Swiss firm Mebo Telecommunications, jointly owned by Swiss engineer Edwin Bollier and his business partner, Erwin Meister.


Radio Nordsee International – RNI – Scheveningen Posted on 07/05/2017 by Fred Bunzl Except for the period from March to July 1970, Radio Nordsee’s broadcasting ship was located in international waters off the Dutch coast near the seaside town of Scheveningen.

- - Offshore Music Radio Power! From your Free Coastal Station! - - on The Internet Live 24/7 Broadcasting from The Internet Radio Motor Vessel MEBO 4…. Welcome on Radio Northsea International Willkommen bei Radio Northsea International Radio Nordsee International „Meine Musik, Mein Sender“ About Radio Northsea International In Memory of the famous pirate radiostation Radio Northsea in the 70s, which was sent from a boat in the northsea, we dedicate ourselves to the good old sound from that time. Radio Northsea International - Radio Northsea International Von 1970 bis 1974 sendete Radio Nordsee International als Offshore Radiosender vom Radioschiff "MEBO II" über Mittelwelle, Kurzwelle und UKW For many offshore radio enthusiasts Radio Nordsee International (RNI) was the most colourful and exciting one.

Radio nordsee international

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Få tillgång Das offshore Radio von der Nordsee mit den schönsten Oldies der Radio Northsea International. Radio North Sea International (RNI; tyska : Radio Nordsee International ; nederländska : Radio Noordzee Internationaal ) var en europeisk  QSL från Radio Nordsee International. Avslutad: 9 jan 09:14; Vinnande bud: 60 krminikoi (10 bud); Frakt: PostNord frimärke 12 kr, Avhämtning; Säljare  Caroline-MV Ross Revenge,North Sea,1991. DougRadio · Radio NorthSea International (R.N.I.) Radioapparater, Segelbåtar, Pirater, Nostalgia. Radio maker bij R.N.I.

3675. 33,79. 16-‐22.

For many offshore radio enthusiasts Radio Nordsee International (RNI) was the most colourful and exciting one. Its history from 1970 to 1974 was full of drama and saw the jamming by the GPO, the hijack-attack by Kees Manders and the fire bomb attack paid for by Radio Veronica.

2. A (2m40s) recording of RNI's prog Radio Nordsee International (RNI) Radio Paradijs Radio Scotland Radio Seagull Radio Sutch Radio Syd Radio Veronica Radio Waddenzee RNI - Radio Nordsee International Souvenir Book 1970.

Radio nordsee international

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30th August 1974 English language service (12 midnight) ** Radio Nordsee International ** DJs ** Deutscher Dienst Englischer Dienst 'Daffy' Don Allan Last Day 31.08.1974 RNI Story: The RNI DJs (at various times) were as follows: "Daffy" Don Allen, Andy Archer, Axel, Ray Cooper, Roger "Twiggy" Day, John Denny, Rob Eaden, Elkey, Dave Gregory, Hannibal, Duncan Johnson, Stephen Ladd, Mike Lyndsie, Bob Mackie, Carl "Wierd Beard" Mitchell, Ed Moreno Toggle this station in My Stations. Play Pause Stop. Mute or unmute volume Set volume to 20% Set volume to 40% Set volume to 60% Set volume to 80% Set volume to 100% R.N.I. Radio Northsea International, Bamberg.

Luxembourg og drev i tillegg sin egen Radio Nova en periode  I've never heard #188 before, "Peace" by Peter Hallett.
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Sydafrikanska Capital Radio 604 ser ut att vara på väg tillbaka i etern efter en 17 år Anny Radio, High Energy, Radio Northsea International och Hami Radio. Global. Popular.
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24. Sept. 2010 Mit seiner Hilfe senden die Musikpiraten von Radio Nordsee International (RNI) ihr Programm.Da die MeBo2 in internationalen Gewässern 

Radio Mercur var en dansk piratradiostation som med start den 2 augusti 1958 sände till Danmark från båtar på internationellt vatten i Öresund. [ 1 ] Initiativtagaren till Radio Mercur var den 32-årige köpenhamnsbon Peer Jansen.

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Radio North Sea on short wave in 1971 with a station ID read by Jane Ballantyne & Dave Rogers. In 1972 the 9935 khz outlet was dropped and the international

Utcheckning  Nah an der Nordsee und dem Fischerort Hooksiel gelegen haben wir hier tolle Freizeitmöglichkeiten. Platt-tv; Satellitkanaler; Radio; Tv  Ber jährliche Gang des Salzgehaltes in der Nordsee.