That's a cicatrix. You're much more likely to use the word scar, but cicatrix or cicatrice is common medical terminology, so the nurse who bandages your skinned knee is definitely familiar with this term. In Latin, cicatrix means "scar," and it's been used in medicine since the 17th century. Botanists use it too, for scars on tree bark: "You can see the cicatrix where they pruned that big branch, near the top."


Cicatrix: Disease Bioinformatics Research of Cicatrix has been linked to Hypertrophy, Fibrosis, Inflammation, Neoplasms, Pain. The study of Cicatrix has been mentioned in research publications which can be found using our bioinformatics tool below.

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A cicatrix is

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Consequently, a cicatrix is the final stage of tissue repair after an injury. scar | cicatrix | As nouns the difference between scar and cicatrix is that scar is a permanent mark on the skin sometimes caused by the healing of a wound or scar can be a cliff or scar can be a marine food fish, the scarus or parrotfish while cicatrix is a scar that remains after the development of new tissue over a recovering wound or sore ( also used figuratively ). (3) A cicatrix formed in the process of posttraumatic skin regeneration is characterized by a higher cell adhesion power in the upper, and, especially, in the middle epidermis stratum. (4) Possible methods of separating the dermal cicatrix from the nerves are skin flaps or muscle flaps. Picatrix is the name used today for a 400-page book of magic and astrology originally written in Arabic under the title Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm (Arabic: غاية الحكيم ‎), which most scholars assume was originally written in the middle of the 11th century, though an argument for … As nouns the difference between cicatrix and scarification is that cicatrix is a scar that remains after the development of new tissue over a recovering wound or sore (also used figuratively) while scarification is the act of scarifying - of raking the ground harshly to remove weeds, etc. autograft, basal, cicatrix, deconstruction, eczema.

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Gr.Gaggós , qui , HESYCHIO | cis ærná fignificatibus v . infra in - tefte , erat λίθος και κάτω , τιθέμενος εν τα Invợ . Dicitur autem erill , contracte ERR , cicatrix , Isl 

Time and space have bent and buckled under the warp storm's wrath. Daemons surge into  An ex carie pudendi callosa cicatrix, Syphilidis signum certissimum ? (IA BIUSante ms00072 ms00080x04x0712).

A cicatrix is

With stains, a lucid cicatrix of disgrace. With joyful, elated Endeavour. O lilywhite goat. Frail as a thicket of thorns. With a collar of gold for thy 

2008-06-17 A cicatrix is the scar that's left behind on skin after a wound has healed. That raised mark on your hand where you burned yourself on a hot pan a few years ago? That's a cicatrix.

n. pl. cic•a•tri•ces (sĭk′ə-trī′sēz, sĭ-kā′trĭ-sēz′) A scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound. Other words from cicatrix cic′a•tri′cial (sĭk′ə-trĭsh′əl) null adj.
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Picatrix is the name used today for a 400-page book of magic and astrology originally written in Arabic under the title Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm (Arabic: غاية الحكيم ‎), which most scholars assume was originally written in the middle of the 11th century, though an argument for composition in the first half of the 10th century has been made.

(pl. cic·a·tri·ces / ˌsikəˈtrīsēz; səˈkātrəˌsēz/ ) the scar of a healed wound.

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Såret tillslöts och Cicatrix med alopeci sågs vid behandlingsstället. Efter behandling hunden inte visar några tecken på smärta, har funktionen 
