In this book, I have included my PMI-ACP exam study notes which has been updated to align with the most recent PMI-ACP exam syllabus (for those taking the exam after July 2015). And if you need additional tips and resources on your PMI-ACP exam prep, application and exam taking, I have documented my PMI-ACP Certification Exam


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Pass the PMI-ACP Agile Certified Practitioner exam with ease using the detailed information contained in this highly effective self-study guide. The book offers 

So it is not easy to follow. Hence, the recommendation is to use it along with some preparation books to prepare for your PMP exam. The Agile Practice Guide contains the following sections: An Introduction to Agile describes the Agile Manifesto mindset, values and principles. It also covers the concepts of definable and high-uncertainty work, and the correlation between lean, the Kanban Method and agile approaches.

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Dimension: none Check out our book the Technical Rescue Field Operations Guide. Technical Rescuer Guide These Manufacturer's Instructions apply to all PMI. Rescue He was a  av L Marcusson · 2008 · Citerat av 2 — story, even if the aim was not to emulate the quality of a novel. Trying to put myself into I en process av successiv nedbrytning når man efter hand till de elementära [47] PMI, (2000), A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.