The use ofthese primers in polymerase chain reactions allowed the detection of the probable excision of phiAb-Cd phage from the DNA of A. brasilense variants Sp7.4 and Sp7.8 and other alterations of the pRhico structure in A. brasilense strains Cd, Sp7.K2, and Sp7.8.


Malmö University (MU), Uppsala University (UU), Umeå University (UMU), ImaGene-iT (ImaGene) and Phase Holographic Imaging AB (PHIAB) 

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  9. Sandviken bostad till salu Anmälan kan ske skriftligen till Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB, Scheelevägen 22, 223 63 Lund, eller per e-post till ( I anmälan  E-mail: Web: – Live cell imaging & analysis. Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) är ledande i utvecklingen av Highlights info row image.

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Last technology detected on 5th April 2021. We know of 56 technologies on this page and 34 technologies removed from since 2nd May 2019. Link to this page.

February 5 at 7:00 AM ·. HoloMonitor® puts you and your cells first. Let us show you how!


Evolving automation since 1951. Piab is evolving automation through progressive gripping, lifting and moving solutions. We believe in an automated world where no resources are wasted, and no humans are injured. GENERAL NEWS 07/04/2021.

Sweden is the home of PHI, cinnamon buns, ABBA and technology innovations, including the three-point seat belt and mobile phones. But also Torbjörn Caspersson’s cytophotometer, which led to the flow cytometer and eventually HoloMonitor ®. HoloMonitor made in 🇸🇪. 🔬 cell-friendly | #labelfree | easy-to-use. 🧫 kinetic & quantitative data on single cells & populations #livecellimaging

Poster session at the 14th Annual Workshop of Biofilms – Research Center for Biointerfaces at Malmö University, October 25-26th, 2018 De senaste tweetarna från @PhaseHolo Founded in 1951 by the Swedish Tell family, Piab supplies vacuum ejectors, conveyors, lifters and suction cups that serve to improve the energy-efficiency, productivity and working environments of customers across a broad range of industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, packaging and automotive. Never miss updates: Start reading the news feed of Phiab right away! Unfortunately, we cannot detect RSS feed on this website, but you may observe related news or popular pages instead.
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Phase Holographic Imaging. Current methods force scientists to study life’s fundamental building block when it is dying. PHI’s non-destructive Holo­Monitor technology allows the long-term behavior of living cells to be observed and quantified without toxic stains. Area.
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Phase Holographic Imaging utvecklar instrument och mjukvara för time-lapse cytometri. Produkterna används för kvantitativ långtidsanalys av levande cellers dynamik, särskilt av betydelse inom cancerforskning, samt vid behandling av inflammatoriska - samt autoimmuna sjukdomar.

Sweden is the home of PHI, cinnamon buns, ABBA and technology innovations, including the three-point seat belt and mobile phones.