Equipment Installation Manual 1049-2510-01 Z.doc 1049-2510-01 Rev Z Page 2 of 86 RECORD OF REVISIONS . W Edited jumper on drawing KING KAP 140 w/ KI-525A at


Install Manual. Mar 2, 2001 Insight Strike Finder Installation Manual. Document No: 2000-10, Rev. 1.7.1 The Display may also be connected to a Bendix/King model KCS 55 or KCS. 55A Compass System to .. assuring that the KG-102, KI-525 and Strike Finder are all grounded to the same point, and only the same point.

Please see the KI-525A FAQ for more information on this matter. The original KCS-55 system Equipment Installation Manual 1049 1049-2510-01 Y.doc -2510 01 Rev Y Page 2 of 85 RECORD OF REVISIONS Figure 24 - KING KAP 140 with KI-525A KI 525A - KI 825 Replacement Wiring This is a list of pins that differ between the KI 525A installation and the KI 825 replacement. The following wires need to be added or changed: KI 825 P1-J INPUT POWER +28VDC P1-M POWER RETURN Aircraft Ground P1-L SIGNAL GROUND Aircraft Ground (see Note 1) P1-c SIGNAL GROUND Aircraft Ground (see Note 1) Installation and Testing Manual Introduction The IRU-525 is a VOR/GPS switching device that mounts directly on the rear of the Bendix/King KI-525A HSI, the HSI display portion of the KCS-55A gyro compass system. The existing HSI P101 and P102 cables plug directly into the rear of the IRU-525.

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KI 209/A. KI 525A. KPI 552/B. KPI 553/A/B. MARKINGS FIGURE 3-16 KI 525A INDICATOR AND CONTROLS LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 KX155A/KX165A Technical Specification Table 1-2 KX 155A   However there is S-tec 50 with s-tec gpss module installed and standard G5 require to be connected to S-tec 50 configured for KI-525A. some resistors but seems that now I need manual how to convert it to KI525. Anyone  the FLIGHT MANUAL SUPPLE-.


It also comes with manual controls for course and heading datum selection. Dual glideslope pointers are on view only during an ILS approach. The KI 525A is the panel indicator for the KCS 55A Compass System, an optional part of the KFC 225 Flight Control System.

105. 127. 201.

Ki 525a installation manual

Well, the KI-525A maintenance manual (revision 7, dated March 2002) includes a Final Test Procedure. This calls for some kit that provides power at both a fixed voltage to simulate the regulated supply, and a variable voltage to simulate the unregulated supply.

200 A gG. 250 A gG.

KI 525A Maintenance Manual Part Number: 006-15621-XXXX For each revision, add, delete, or replace pages as indicated. REVISION No. 7, March 2002 Revision 7 creates a new stand-alone manual for the KI 525A which was extracted from revision 6 of the KCS 55/55A maintenance manual, (P/N 006-05111-0006). Insight Strike Finder Installation Manual. Document No: 2000-10, Rev. 1.7.1 The Display may also be connected to a Bendix/King model KCS 55 or KCS. 55A Compass System to .. assuring that the KG-102, KI-525 and Strike Finder are all grounded to the same point, and only the same point. The KI 525A is the panel indicator for the KCS 55A Compass System, an optional part of the KFC 225 Flight Control System.
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604. ith our instructions: 02 der/den e in naslov organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki je pozitivno Dessa enheter är avsedda för installation utomhus och är avsedda 525. 1050. 1365. 44.

Can the newer King KI-525A the KI-825 uses the same two 41 pin type connectors that the KI-525 the KI-525A is a slaved compass system without a manual ki 525 install manual at - Download free pdf files,ebooks and documents of ki 525 install manual Bendix King KI-525A-00 Avionics Service & Installation; Provides a pictorial 2017-04-05 · Equipment Installation Manual .
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The panel-mounted KI 525A PNI combines the display func- tions of the gyro mode, the clockwise manual heading drive switch will rotate the famous King full year warranty system is valid only for equipment installed by an authorize

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Installation manual kx 155a/165a comm/nav system manual number 006. 3.3 ki 525a indicator controls and functions. Installation Manuals. The installation manuals listed below can also be found on their individual product detail page.

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