Materials Glass Dimensions Long: L145cm x W52cm Square: L67cm x W67 cm Color Silver mirror & Black Made in Belgium. EUROPE Ships within 3 weeks To order for OTHER DESTINATIONS or for PROFESSIONAL orders please Contact us for details


Born in Brussels in 1978, Sylvain Willenz has lived consecutively in the US, Belgium and in the UK. Sylvain studied MA Design Products at the Royal College of Art in London, graduating in 2003. In 2004, Sylvain opened his Design Office (SWDO), based in Brussels (Belgium).

2012 A l'occasion de l'édition 2012 du festival Design September, Victor Hunt présente ses dernières éditions avec l'exposition 'Sylvain Willenz,  17 okt 2016 De bekende Belgische ontwerper Sylvain Willenz kreeg van beide West- Vlaamse bedrijven de opdracht om een complementaire collectie van  Handpan distributor, recording artist and podcaster, Sylvain Paslier, invites you to rediscover the simple joy of creating. Ceiling Light from: Sylvain Willenz Model: DUSK Dimensions: H 22 cm. H 16 cm. Product Link: Good luck. Inspired  Established in 2004, SYLVAIN WILLENZ is an industrial design office based in Brussels.

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Taklampa, modell 'Torch Light Bunch', i form av 10 st hängande lampor i olika former, formgiven  2015-mar-19 - DROP is an injection moulded plastic bucket inspired by normality and basic everyday life objects. DROP was designed by combining the best  Aug 7, 2017 - Designern Sylvain Willenz har för Menu formgivit den vackra bordslampan The Standard Table Lamp. Lampan sprider ett mjuk sken genom sitt  Ett sidobord från Hays serie Rebar med svart marmorskiva och lackerat underrede i stål. Design Sylvain Willenz Mått 75x44cm Höjd 55cm. Oct 16, 2016 - The Torch S1 Suspension Lamp Socket E14 was designed by Sylvain Willenz for the design furniture and lighting manufacturer  Produktinformation Varumärke: HAY Form: Sylvain Willenz Mått : Längd: 120 cm Djup: 20 cm Material: 2 mm pulverlackerat stål Leveranstid: lagervara. Läs mer.

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Materials Glass Dimensions Long: L145cm x W52cm Square: L67cm x W67 cm Color Silver mirror & Black Made in Belgium. EUROPE Ships within 3 weeks To order for OTHER DESTINATIONS or for PROFESSIONAL orders please Contact us for details

Rebar är en serie bord från Hay, formgiven av Sylvain Willenz. Rebar är en möbelserie som handlar om kontraster – mellan mjukt och hårt, elegant och industriellt, raffinerat och obehandlat.

Sylvain willenz

Design: Sylvain Willenz för Established & Sons Koncept: Med sitt särpräglade utseende skapar Torch Light-lampan en kul och levande kombination i klara 

EUROPE Ships within 3 weeks To order for OTHER DESTINATIONS or for PROFESSIONAL orders please Contact us for details A simple icon, a well-balanced stool Balance and serenity. That’s what Totem transmits when we meet this sculptural piece for the first time. But what is it Silex by Sylvain Willenz. With SILEX, Serax returns to the discipline it started out with over thirty years ago: glassware for flowers.

2012 A l'occasion de l'édition 2012 du festival Design September, Victor Hunt présente ses dernières éditions avec l'exposition 'Sylvain Willenz,  17 okt 2016 De bekende Belgische ontwerper Sylvain Willenz kreeg van beide West- Vlaamse bedrijven de opdracht om een complementaire collectie van  Handpan distributor, recording artist and podcaster, Sylvain Paslier, invites you to rediscover the simple joy of creating. Ceiling Light from: Sylvain Willenz Model: DUSK Dimensions: H 22 cm.
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The Alaka series is a collection of mirrors designed by Belgian designer Sylvain Willenz for Retegui. The Standard är formgiven med ett öga för både skönhet och funktion av en av Belgiens mest omtalade unga designers, Sylvain Willenz. The Standard har alla  13 grafiska och trendiga posters ‹ Dansk inredning och design. TrendspanarnaDetails.

6 days ago Silex by Sylvain Willenz. Watch later.
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Constructed from a single piece of steel and with a truly unique design, Sylvain Willenz Bracket Incl. shelving a minimalist take on the classic shelf construction.

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A simple icon, a well-balanced stool Balance and serenity. That’s what Totem transmits when we meet this sculptural piece for the first time. But what is it

Han har en examen från MA Design Products Course vid Royal College of Art i London (2003). SYLVAIN WILLENZ / Design Studio SYLVAIN WILLENZ works internationally with renowned clients such as Established & Sons (UK), Karimoku (JP), Feld (BE), Tamawa (BE) amongst others. Valuing most and for all a good understanding of manufacturers' needs, Willenz presents powerful, straightforward and uncomplicated design solutions. A winner of multiple awards, including Belgian Designer Of The Year, Sylvain Willenz founded his eponymous design studio in 2004. Based in Brussels, the studio works on a wide range of projects, with a focus on furniture and exhibition design, as well as creative direction.